3 Songs: On Repeat

1. White Flight - "Panther" (New single from Justin Roelofs, formerly of The Anniversary. Built upon a beat by Ratatat, he mixes the organic and electronic for a mind-blurring sound collage that reflects his world travels.) www.myspace.com/whiteflightsounds
Download: http://c0000841.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/01%20Panther.mp3
2. No Kids - "The Jazz Singer" (From their new Judy At The Grove EP. Beat-driven R&B with old Hollywood-style strings, layers of smooth vocals and stair-stepping synths.) www.myspace.com/nokidsband
Download: http://www.artofbroadcast.com/uploads/The%20Jazz%20Singer.mp3
3. Dominant Legs - "Clawing Out At The Walls" (The shimmering first single from the San Francisco duo of Girls' guitarist Ryan Lynch with Hannah Hunt. Their debut EP features sun-drenched melancholic melodies and danceable indie-pop.) www.myspace.com/dominantlegsmusic
Download: http://www.forcefieldpr.com/dominantlegsclawing.mp3
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