Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Circa Survive - "Blue Sky Noise"

Last month, Circa Survive released their highly anticipated third album and major label debut, Blue Sky Noise on Atlantic Records. Although released on a major with a top-shelf producer, David Bottrill, who has also helped shape progressive albums by Tool and King Crimson, the band’s musical appeal to long time fans remains true to their emo-prog sound. With their dual guitar attack, thunderous poly-rhythms and with just enough gloss to give Anthony Green’s clear, soprano vocals more room to create the soaring melodies that showcase his divisive voice, they have created their most infectious and interesting album yet. Of course the album employs its share of the usual big budget excesses such a strings section and a children’s choir, but to great effect, as they reach beyond the limits of their already epic sound.

Album opener, “Strange Terrain” features scraping guitars to provide the contrast to the bright melodies on the soaring chorus. The first single, “Get Out” is more frenetic with a cathartic screamed chorus over skidding guitars. “Glass Arrows” follows with cascading guitars and barreling drums as the children’s choir shouts: “I don’t want excuses! I don’t want apologies!” The next single, “I Felt Free” sounds ready for the airwaves with ringing guitars, a buzzing bass line and a gigantic arena-sized chorus. “Imaginary Enemy”, with its stop/start rhythm, blazing guitar solo and heartfelt lyrics provides another standout moment. The atmospheric “Through The Desert Alone” is propelled by an off-beat rhythm, piano and soaring vocal melodies. And “Frozen Creek” really allows Anthony’s voice to shine with an emotional performance that matches the intensity of the guitars.

Though many foolish fans will cry “sell out”, many long time fans will find new reasons to like the band and new fans will be exposed to something much more interesting than the usual radio fare.

For more info click here: www.circasurvive.com and www.myspace.com/circasurvive


Blogger Comic Book Candy said...

The cover artist for Circa Survive's new album does the covers for Vertigo's House of Mystery! Love his work (Esao Andrews).

12:06 PM  

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